With many still attempting to unpack the multitude of events and different timelines that transpired during Westworld’s recent season 2 finale, it is clear that despite having fans talking, the episode has proven to be polarizing to say the least. Reviews run the gamut from many stating that the ending was overly convoluted with others praising this complexity and unwillingness from the creators to dumb the material down for fans. It’s interesting to note that many fans who provided the finale with a mixed to negative review were in fact raving about the majority of episodes that preceded the final episode. This disparity raises the question, is a television season that is comprised of well-received episodes, but a lackluster finale a success or a failure? Should the preceding episode scores be retroactively impacted, and should television seasons be reviewed and given a score evaluation on an episodic weekly basis?
***Spoilers for The Handmaid’s Tale and Game of Thrones follow in this article:
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