Ant-Man and the Wasp Review

Ant Man and the Wasp Review 3 out of 4 stars (3 / 4)

Featuring winning performances from its titular characters and inventive visual gags, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a buzzy feel-good Summer popcorn movie, even if the story’s familiarity serves as a prime example of Marvel’s worst tendencies when it comes to sequels.

In a release strategy reminiscent of 2015’s Ant-Man, we once again find a small-stakes adventure featuring the well-meaning but morally grey Scott Lang following arguably the most ambitious and grand story yet with Infinity War. Although never critical or financial failures, Marvel has had a mixed track record in terms of ingenuity when it comes to their sequels. On one hand we have films like Thor: Ragnarok and Captain America: The Winter Solider which took risks in order to produce superior films to their prior films. On the other hand, however, some sequel efforts such as Avengers: Age of Ultron and Thor: The Dark World are almost carbon copies of their predecessors and despite being enjoyable, they end up coming off as shallow and lazy. Unfortunately, Ant-Man and the Wasp is more Thor: The Dark World than Thor: Ragnarok as it is essentially a retread of the first film’s plot points, leading to a somewhat disappointing chapter for a largely phenomenal Phase 3 of Marvel films. Yet, the film has a lot going for it, and despite being disappointing by Marvel’s standard, Ant-Man and the Wasp is still one of the more enjoyable Summer blockbusters around.

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Avengers: Infinity War Review

Avengers Infinity War Review 3.5 out of 4 stars (3.5 / 4)

After 10 years and nearly 20 films that have been building to this particular story, Avengers: Infinity War has finally arrived in theaters. With the built-up anticipation from the years of waiting as well as the film’s ambitions to interweave nearly every featured MCU protagonist while also introducing new locations and a new antagonist, there are colossal expectations attached to this film. Despite the Marvel series being no stranger to defying conventional wisdom regarding the number of characters that can successfully be included in a new story, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I had doubts about whether directors Anthony and Joe Russo would be able live up to the insurmountable hype and pull off their most ambitious feat to date. I am elated to say that Infinity War not only met, but exceeded my expectations by producing an epic spectacle that manages to be one of the most thrilling and emotionally resonant chapters of the entire MCU series.

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