2ND CLASS, directed by Jimmy Olsson, is a Swedish short film centered on Charlotte (Hannah Davidson), a newly hired elementary school teacher who is quickly made the victim of a hate crime after inadvertently crossing paths with a Nazi. After enduring her horrific encounter, Charlotte gets the surprise of her life the next day when she learns that a quiet, young boy in her class named Anton (Milo Adermark) happens to be the son of the Nazi who attacked her the night prior.
A Message of Tolerance That Never Feels Preachy
2ND CLASS is chiefly a story about education, both in the literal sense and in terms of the power that our surroundings can have in shaping our beliefs, regardless of whether they are lessons of hate or acceptance. The short film drives home this metaphor in its clever application of quite possibly the most unorthodox physics lesson ever. Through the use of the inflating and deflating of a balloon as a visual aid, Charlotte attempts to explain the power of seeing the truth in the world and its role in preserving love.
Based upon whether the viewer themselves chooses love or hate, they will come away from this short with a different interpretation of what the future holds for young Anton.
What did you think? Did the story’s take on the role of education in shaping values of tolerance resonate with you? Let us know in the comments below!
2ND CLASS will be released at several film festivals in the U.S. later this month. For all international release dates, see here.
Originally Published at Film Inquiry 3/12/2019